Kang Sunkoo

Kang Sunkoo

The work Sakristei is the result of my preoccupation with the historical legacy and the present-day institution of the Bauhaus Dessau. It is a contemplation of our desire for sanctity and an examination of my own belief and disbelief. (Kang Sunkoo, 2024)

The Sakristei (from Latin sacristia = church room; a storage and recreation room, from Latin sacer = consecrated, holy) is the room in the church where the ceremonial objects and materials for the liturgy are stored and prepared. This room is also used to prepare the church services. In his work, Kang Sunkoo draws a connection to the quasi-religious, mythically exaggerated charge and veneration of the historical Bauhaus, to traces of faith in the work of the former Bauhaus members and to Kang’s own biography, his childhood in the Catholic Rheinland after his arrival from Seoul in the 1980s.

In preparation for the anniversary To the Core. Bauhaus Dessau 100, Kang’s work turns the institution’s ritual calendar and the relic-like fragments of its history into artistic material.

Exhibition opening
Thurs, 27 . 2 . 2025, 6 p.m.