

Dr Barbara Steiner

Director and CEO
+ 49 340 6508 – 300
Show biography

Barbara Steiner has been a member of the Board and Director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since September 2021.

After holding managerial positions at art institutions for many years, including the Museum of Contemporary Art (GfZK) Leipzig and Kunsthaus Graz, as well as teaching at the University of Art and Design Linz, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, and the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Steiner took over as director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. Her theoretical and practical work focuses on structural and institutional issues, as well as the basic conditions of cultural production.

In addition to artist monographs, Steiner has published a series of theme-related books on the (public and private) museum, curatorial issues, institutional politics/economies, and relational space concepts in the fine arts, architecture, and urban planning. She studied art history and political science at the University of Vienna, and wrote her doctoral thesis on the “Ideology of the White Exhibition Space”.

Steiner has been a member of the jury for the Architecture Award of the City of Leipzig (since 2005), a member of the Vienna Art Advisory Board (since 2018), and a regular juror for “Kunst am Bau” (Art in Architecture) competitions (including the German Bundestag, the Brandenburg State Parliament, the Humboldt Forum Berlin). Between 2010 and 2015 she was a member of the university council of the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig; today she is a councillor at the Graz University of Technology.

For further information, please see here.


  • “Strukturelle Asymmetrien”, in: Andreja Hribernik, Barbara Steiner, Alexandra Trost (eds.), Isa Rosenberger: Schatten, Lücken, Leerstellen, exhibition catalogue, Verlag für moderne Kunst Wien, 2023
  • Provoking Economies: On the Artistic Practice of SUPERFLEX, ed. Barbara Steiner,  This book has a market price of € 28, exhibition catalogue, Verlag für moderne Kunst Wien, 2022
  • “Kunst als gesellschaftliches Probierfeld/Art as a Field for Social Experimentation”, in: Markus Jeschaunig (ed.), Nebel, Wasser, Eis/Fog, Water, Ice, exhibition catalogue, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2022
  • Barbara Steiner, Sophia Walk, Anna Lena von Helldorff, and Katia Huemer (eds.), Kunst Haus Graz, JOVIS, Berlin 2021


  • “From the Bauhaus to the New European Bauhaus”. International Conference Digital Landscape Architecture DLA: Resilient Landscape Architecture, Bauhaus Dessau, 2023
  • “Welches Bauhaus?” Lunch Lecture (digital), as a representative of the state of Saxony-Anhalt at the European Union in Brussels, 2023
  • “Frauen am Bauhaus: Über Machtverhältnisse, asymmetrische Ökonomien und strukturelle Benachteiligungen”. On the occasion of the Bauhaus anniversary, Bauhaus Dessau, 2022
  • “Eine Institution kuratieren”. Institute of Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, 2022
  • “How Art Institutions Today Must Deal with Rising Demands and Expectations”. (digital), Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 2021

Katrin Globke

Assistant to the CEO
+ 49 340 6508 – 300

Juliane Aleithe

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 276

Oliver Luckner

Project coordination for jubilee
+ 49 340 6508 – 238

Alwina B. Pampuch

Project coordination for jubilee (external)
+ 49 340 6508 – 261

Prof. Regina Bittner, PhD

Head of the Academy and Deputy Director
+ 49 340 6508 – 337
Show biography

Regina Bittner is head of the Academy and deputy director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.


She is responsible for the conception and teaching of the postgraduate and transdisciplinary programmes on transcultural modernism in design, architecture, and Bauhaus studies. She has curated numerous exhibitions on the Bauhaus and the cultural history of modernity, including the collection presentation “Versuchsstätte Bauhaus. The Collection” at the Bauhaus Museum Dessau.


She studied cultural studies and art history at the University of Leipzig, completing her doctorate at the Institute for European Ethnology at the Humboldt University in Berlin.


Her research interests combine cultural anthropological approaches in architectural and design theory with questions of decolonisation, transcultural modernity, and critical heritage and its communication in teaching and curatorial practice. Since 2019 she has been an honorary professor at the Institute for Art History and Archaeology at the Martin Luther University in Halle. From 2021 to 2022 she was a visiting professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies at the University of Leipzig.


Among other roles, Bittner was curatorial advisor for the research and exhibition project Bauhaus Imaginista (2017–2019) and a jury member of the Federal Cultural Foundation for the Bauhaus Today Fund (2017-2019). She has been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Mies van der Rohe House Berlin since 2019.



  • “Architectures of Cultural Transgression”, in: Claudia Banz (ed.), Retrotopia: Design for Socialist Spaces, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Museum of Applied Arts, Berlin State Museums), 2023
  • “Buildings Dispersed. Auf dem Weg zu einer Architekturhistoriografie transkultureller Verflechtungen”, in: Christian Welzbacher, Markus Lehrmann, and Wolfgang Sonne (eds.), Teheran – Tel Aviv: Experiment International Style 1930–1940, Kettler, Dortmund, 2022
  • “Materialismus und/oder Klassenkampf. Lu Märten im Streit um eine neue Ästhetik”, in: Wolfgang Thöner, Florian Strob, and Andreas Schätzke (eds.), Linke Waffe Kunst: Die kommunistische Studentenfraktion am Bauhaus, Bauwelt Fundamente, vol. 175, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2022



  • “Schwierige Gebrauchsspuren. Das Bauhausgebäude nach 1933”. Lecture at the conference Bauhaus and National Socialism organised by the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, 2023
  • “The Bauhaus Discontent: Institutionalized Heritages and Complicated Legacies”. Lecture at the symposium Legacies at the Manchester School of Architecture, University of Manchester in collaboration with the Zaha Hadid Foundation, London, 2023
  • “Weltkonstruktion Bauhaus. Vielstimmige Perspektiven auf den kulturellen Gedächtnisort Bauhaus“. Lecture in the lecture series Identity and Heritage, a joint project of the Graduate School of the Technische Universität Berlin and the Bauhaus University Weimar, 2022
  • “Schwankende Ortsbezüge. Vom Bauen unter den Bedingungen mangelnder Bodenhaftung”. Lecture in the lecture series Ortsbestimmung at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, 2022
  • “Bauhaus Plants: Modern Botanizing”. Lecture at the symposium The Ignorant Art School at the Cooper Art Gallery College of Art and Design, University of Dundee, 2022

Katja Klaus

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 402
Show biography

Katja Klaus works as a research associate, and since 2018 has been deputy head of the Academy.


The main priorities of her work are education, design, and digital curation. After attending a one-year course at the Pausanio Academy in Cologne, she became a certified digital curator. Since 2021, she has been responsible for the digitisation and promotion project Schulen des Aufbruchs: Digitaler Bauhausatlas der Design- und Kunstausbildung nach 1933 (Schools of Departure: Digital Bauhaus atlas of design and art education post-1933). Since 2020, she has developed the digital online projects Bauhaus Open Studios and Preliminary Module. Since 2015, she has also been responsible for the international university programme of the Bauhaus Open Studios.


As a media, theatre, and education research scholar (M. A.), she worked as an advisor to the director of the Bauhaus Dessau from 2005 to 2014.



  • Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (Regina Bittner, Katja Klaus, and Philipp Sack) and Gudskul (J. J. Adibrata and Farid Rakun) (eds.), Decolonising Design Education, Schools of Departure No. 1, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2023
  • Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (Regina Bittner, Katja Klaus, and Philipp Sack) and Catherine Nichols (eds.), The New Designer: Design as a Profession, Schools of Departure, No. 2, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2023
  • Katja Klaus, and Regina Bittner (eds.), Edition Bauhaus 57: Gestaltungsproben: Gespräche zum Bauhausunterricht, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2019
  • Katja Klaus, and Regina Bittner (eds.), Edition Bauhaus 57: Design Rehearsals: Conversations about Bauhaus Lessons, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2019
  • Bauhaus Taschenbuch 17: Junges Design in den Meisterhäusern, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2016
  • Was ist das Bauhaus? Kinder entdecken das Bauhaus in Dessau, E. A. Seemann Verlag, Leipzig, 2015 (Shortlisted for the “Stiftung Buchkunst” Most Beautiful German Books award, 2015)

Philipp Sack

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 403
Show biography

Philipp Sack is a research associate at the Academy, and has been deputy chair of the staff council since 2020. He studied art history, medieval and modern history, and museum studies in Heidelberg, Lyon, and Paris. As an art historian and art educator, his interest lies in educational formats in the interplay between cultural and educational institutions, as well as in the history and theory of visual cultures. In his work at the interface between research practice and institutional structures, he is also concerned with questions of transcultural educational policy.

Dr Vera Lauf

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 335
Show biography

Vera Lauf has been a research associate at the Academy of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since March 2023.


From 2014 to 2023, she worked as a research curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art (GfZK) Leipzig. Previously, she was a research associate at the Academy of Fine Art Leipzig, where she managed the programme “Well connected – Kuratorisches Handeln im 21. Jahrhundert”, organised in association with the Master’s programme “Kulturen des Kuratorischen”. In her theoretical and practical work, she addresses questions related to education and forms of (re)presentation, as well as practices at the interface between art and design.


Since 2017, she has taken on teaching assignments on a regular basis, for example, at the University of Leipzig, the University of Halle-Wittenberg, and the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. She studied art history, general and comparative literature and anthropology at the University of Leipzig, and wrote her doctoral thesis on “Moderne Aneignungen: Zur Kritik der Moderne in der Kunst der Gegenwart” (Modern appropriations: The critique of modernity in contemporary art).


She is an honorary member of advisory councils in the fields of cultural policy and cultural promotion (including the advisory council of fine arts of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, 2021 to 2022, and the advisory council for fine arts of the Leipzig Cultural Office, 2016 to 2022).



  • “Bilder der Abstraktion. Florian Pumhösls Aneignungen modernistischer Ästhetiken”, in: Claudia Tittel (ed.), Die Kunst der Re*-Produktion, Bauhaus Universitätsverlag, Weimar (forthcoming)
  • Vera Lauf, and Christian Nyampeta (eds.), Togetherward: Christian Nyampeta, Archive Books, Berlin, 2023
  • “Jenseits der Repräsentation. Die Sammlung ausstellen”, in: Annette Menting, and Walter Prigge (eds.), Modernes Sachsen: Gestaltung in der experimentellen Tradition Bauhaus, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2019
  • Vera Lauf, and Franciska Zólyom (eds.), Sammeln in der Zeit/Collecting in Time, online publication 2018, (last retrieved 21 June 2023)
  • “Tradition der Innovation: Genealogien der Moderne bei Paulina Olowska”, in: Eva Kernbauer (ed.), Kunstgeschichtlichkeit: Historizität und Anachronie in der Gegenwartskunst, Wilhelm Fink, Paderborn, 2015



  • “Versammeln: Das Museum in Beziehung setzen”. Keynote, Museumsakademie Joanneum, In Beziehung sammeln: Alternative Sammlungen in Institutionen zeitgenössischer Kunst, Kunsthaus Graz, 2022
  • “Bewusstes Unvermögen: Das Archiv Gabriele Stötzers”, tutorial by Dušan Barok, Das ganze Leben: Archive und Wirklichkeit, Dresden State Art Collections, 2019
  • “(Sich mit) Sammlungen anlegen: Radikale Sammlungsstrategien”, impulse lecture, Think Tank, schnittpunkt, University of Applied Arts Vienna, 2018
  • “Well Connected: Kuratorisches Handeln”, Hochschule für Bildende Künste (University of Fine Arts) Braunschweig, 2018
  • “Es soll kein Wohnzimmer sein, es ist dort ja eine Ausstellung”, conference, Bewegliche Architekturen, Museum of Contemporary Art (GfZK) Leipzig, 2018

Dr. P.Eng. Dorothea Roos

Head of the Construction Department
+ 49 340 6508 – 211
Show biography

Dorothea Roos, a research associate in building research and monument protection at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, has been head of the Construction Department since October 2022.


After teaching and conducting research in the field of architectural history at the architectural faculties of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg (btu), as well as teaching at the HTWG Konstanz, Dorothea Roos has worked at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since February 2022. The focus of her work and research is on ancient building (primarily in Asia Minor and Greece, chronologically from the Late Classical period to post-antiquity) as well as on the history of building and urban construction, historical building research, the history of building construction, and the conservation of modernist architectural monuments in the 19th and 20th centuries.


Roos studied architecture at the University of Karlsruhe (TH), known today as KIT, and at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim NTNU. She wrote her doctoral thesis at the University of Karlsruhe on the theme of “Karlsruher Architekt Hermann Reinhard Alker: Bauten und Projekte 1921 bis 1958“ (Karlsruhe Architect Hermann Reinhard Alker. Buildings and Projects 1921 to 1958).


Dorothea Roos is an appointed member of the Koldewey-Gesellschaft, Vereinigung für baugeschichtliche Forschung e. V. (Koldewey Association of Architectural History research), and deputy Chair of the Docomomo Deutschland Association.


For further information on the German Research Foundation (DFG) project, see here.



  • “Der Pseudoperipteralbau an der Esplanade”, in: Martin Bachmann, Jürgen Hammerstädt, and Eric Laufer (eds.), Oinoanda: Ergebnisse des Surveys 2007–2015: Bauforschung, Archäologie, Epigraphik, Istanbuler Forschungen, forthcoming
  • “Heinrich Hübsch: Ziegelsichtiges Bauen um 1830”, in: Julia Ess, Eva Maria Froschauer, and Elke Richter (eds.), WerteWandel: Prozesse, Strategien und Konflikte in der gebauten Umwelt, Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten, vol. 6, Berlin, de Gruyter 2021, 61–78
  • Dorothea Roos, and Andreas Schwarting, “Fremdes, Vertrautes. Stadtvisualisierungen von Zeyrek, Istanbul”, in: Alexandra Druzynski von Boetticher, Anke Wunderwald, and Peter I. Schneider (eds.), Von der Kunst, ein Bauwerk zu verstehen: Perspektiven der Bau- und Stadtbaugeschichte von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Oppenheim am Rhein, Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, 2020, 263–272
  • Gipse: Historische Abformungen und Modelle von Architekturgliedern und Baudekor in der Sammlung des Fachgebiets Baugeschichte am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, photographs by Bernd Seeland, Berlin, Wasmuth, 2017



  • “Wandel erhalten: Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege am Bauhausgebäude in Dessau”, symposium, Die Stadt im Bestand bauen. Zum Umgang mit Bestand, Wiesbaden, Hochschule RheinMain, 2022
  • “Bauforschung für die Sanierungspraxis”. Bauhaus Dessau, 2022
  • “Form follows construction? Typologie und Raumkonzepte im nordmesopotamischen Kirchenbau”, German Archaeological Institute Berlin, 2020
  • “Material, Konstruktion, Gestalt. Zur Architektur von Heinrich Hübsch aus der Perspektive der Bauforschung”, Wiesbadener Vorträge zum Baukulturerbe (Wiesbaden Lectures on Building Culture Heritage), RheinMain University of Applied Sciences 2019
  • “Olympia 4D: New Work on the South Stoa in the Zeus Sanctuary of Olympia: ‘Archäologische Bauforschung’ and Development of a Parametric Digital Model”, international conference: New Approaches and Paradigms in the Study of Greek Architecture, American School of Classical Studies Athens (ASCSA), 2016

Heike Brückner

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 229
Show biography

Heike Brückner is a landscape architect (P. Eng.,  Dresden University of Technology) and works as a research associate in the Building Department of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.

Her work focuses on research, planning, and experimental design projects on the themes of post-industrial cultural landscapes and productive urban landscapes. In the 1990s, together with other colleagues, she developed the Industrielles Gartenreich (Industrial Garden Realm) at the Bauhaus Experimental Workshop. This project was a transformation model for sustainable regional development in the Dessau, Wittenberg, and Bitterfeld region. Essential components were the study of the Dessau-Wörlitz Garden Realm as an 18th century reform landscape and the transformation of the former opencast mine near Bitterfeld into the Goitzsche cultural landscape.


Since 2000, she has turned her attention to the design and communication of transformation processes in shrinking cities and regions. As a planner, she was significantly involved in the development of the Dessau landscape, initiating the projects 400 sqm Dessau and Urban Farm Dessau.


A further part of her work is developing the grounds of the Bauhaus buildings in keeping with their status as listed monuments, and preparing them for sustainable maintenance strategies. Her experience in spatial design for the post-fossil era is reflected in various research projects and publications. From 2017 to 2020 she was a member of the working group Postwachstumsökonomien (post-growth economies) at the Academy for Territorial Development (ARL), and worked on the project Soziale Orte (social places). Since 2023, she has also been a mentor in the “Neulandgewinner” programme.



  • “Quartiershöfe. Infrastrukturen für eine lokale und selbstermächtigende Daseinsvorsorge”, in: Claudia Neu (ed.), Handbuch Daseinsvorsorge, VKU Verlag, Berlin, 2022
  • “Eine neue Planungskultur einüben: Instrumente der räumlichen Planung für ein Soziale-Orte-Konzept”, in: Das Soziale-Orte-Konzept: Neue Infrastrukturen für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt, published by the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen, 2020
  • “Das Bauhaus als Transformationsgestalter. Postwachstumsansätze in Ostdeutschland nach der Wende: Zwischen falschem Wachstum und ungewolltem Nichtwachstum”, in: Bastian Lange, Martina Hülz, Benedikt Schmid, and Christian Schulz (eds.), Postwachstumsgeographien: Raumbezüge diverser und alternativer Ökonomien, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2020
  • “Einen anderen Maßstab wagen. Kleinteilige Prozessgestaltung in der Raumplanung”, in: Leibniz Association, Möglichkeitsräume: Raumplanung im Zeichen des Postwachstums, Politische Ökologie, vol. 160, Oekom, Munich, 2020
  • Produktive Stadtlandschaft: Inwertsetzung von Stadtbrachen für einen erweiterten Energiebegriff, Landesenergieagentur Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg, 2016



  • “Urbane Farm Dessau: die Stadtlandschaft produktiv machen”. Annual conference RENN.mitte, 2021
  • “Urban Gardening – Städtebau von Morgen”. Bauhaus Festival Staatstheater Darmstadt 2019
  • “Bauhaus und Nachhaltigkeit. Ökologische Themen und Projekte am Bauhaus seit 1989”. Workshop of the working group Postwachstumsökonomien (Post-growth Economies) at the ARL 2019

Michèle Wohlang

Project engineer
+ 49 340 6508 – 489

Peter Biewer

Team member, Construction Department
+ 49 340 6508 – 327

Gloria Palatty Xavier

+ 49 340 6508 – 329

Wiebke Wehling

Head of Communications, press officer
+ 49 340 6508 – 225

Domenik Pasemann

Press and public relations officer
+ 49 340 6508 – 236

Alexandra Huth

Associate communication for jubilee
+ 49 340 6508 – 233

Yvonne Tenschert

Graphic designer
+ 49 340 6508 – 331

Oliver Klimpel

Head of the Curatorial Workshop
+ 49 340 6508 – 280
Show biography

Oliver Klimpel has been head of the Curatorial Workshop at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since April 2022.


As a designer and curator, he is concerned with the history and methodology of representational politics, analysing problematic aspects of modernity and their public perception. In his hybrid work at the interface of design, architecture, and art, the effects of display and architectural environments on narrative and journalistic strategies play just as important a role as forms of alternative institutional practice. Traditional role expectations in the production of visual culture are called into question.


He designs and implements international projects with a focus on exhibition design, visual identities, broader forms of publishing, and (semi) public spaces, including at the Tate Modern, the Haus der Statistik Berlin, the Taipei Contemporary Art Center, and the Goethe-Institut.


He is a lecturer on design and criticality at the University of Arts Linz. From 2008 to 2015, he was professor of system design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig. In 2022, he received an offer to become professor of design and the future at the University of the Arts Bremen. Before that, he taught at international art academies and universities such as the Central Saint Martins University of the Arts London, the London College of Communication, and the Institute for Art and Art Theory at the University of Cologne. He was also a member of the jury at the Brno Biennial 2016.


He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (diploma, 1997), the Central Saint Martins University of the Arts  London (PGDip, 1999), and the Royal College of Art London (M. A. RCA, 2000). From 1998 to 2014 he had his own design studio in London, before working in Berlin.



  • Oliver Klimpel, Kunsthaus Graz (ed.), Ein Katzenbaum für die Kunst, Kunsthaus Graz, 2022
  • Oliver Klimpel (ed.), Super, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, 2015
  • Oliver Klimpel (ed.), The Visual Event: An Education in Appearances, Spector Books, Leipzig, 2014
  • Gerrit Gohlke, Oliver Klimpel, and Svend Wennick (eds.), Applied Autonomy, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, 2003



  • “Co-Habitation, ARCH+/Silent Green”, 2021 (exhibition design, curatorial contribution, with Till Sperrle)
  • “Memoires”, in: T.A.H.C.T.E.&T.V., MoCA Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, 2021, Kuandu Art Biennial, 2020 (exhibition participation, artistic work)
  • “Kunst – Handwerk”, 2020, Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig (exhibition participation, design, artistic work, with Till Sperrle)
  • “Lebendig im Kristall (I+II)”, Kunsthaus Graz, 2019 (curator)
  • “Solid & Liqu”, Brandenburgischer Kunstverein Potsdam/Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, 2013 (curator)

Anne Schneider

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 263
Show biography

Anne Schneider has been working as a research associate at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since September 2016 and has been Deputy Head of the Curatorial Workshop since 2023. Her academic background includes studies in fine arts and art education in Leipzig, Halle (Saale), and Bergen (Norway).


She has curated and implemented exhibitions and outreach projects in the areas of contemporary art, design, and architecture. From 2016 to 2020, during her time as a Bauhaus Agent at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, she was active in fostering the concept of an open, lively, and diverse museum. Her current work as a research associate is concerned with the development of formats and positions at the interface between analogue and digital communication practices. She is particularly interested in participatory and experimental artistic approaches that address a varied range of social groups. Her main academic interest is in observing and critically questioning cultural institutions as productive contemporary actors, which encourage the participation of as wide an audience as possible.


As well as her work as a freelance mediator, curator and designer, she has worked with various institutions including Halle 14 e.V., GfZK (Museum of Contemporary Art Leipzig), the Francke Foundations and the Academy of Arts Berlin. She was also a co-founder of the Gallery Burg2, and has worked as a lecturer at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale).



  • Lea Argirov, Christin Deringer, Anne Schneider, Jutta Stein, Frank Tinius, Silke Wallstein (eds.), Bauhaus aktiv – 42 gestalterische Experimente und Übungen, Verlag E. A. Seemann Leipzig 2022
  • “Bauhaus aktiv/Übungsserie”, in: Zeitschrift Bauhaus 12 – Habitat, Spector Books Leipzig 2020
  • “Bauhaus Agenten Publikation # 1 – ein Museum ist mehr als seine Ausstellungen”, in: Silke Feldhoff, Karin Kolb (eds.), Bauhaus Agents Programme, Bauhaus Kooperation Berlin, Dessau, Weimar gGmbH, EINSATEAM Berlin 2018



  • “Bauhaus Agenten Dessau – wir bauen das neue Museum”. Lecture and project presentation, Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of Education – Bauhaus Seminar, Halle (Saale) 2022
  • “Bauhaus als Impuls – Vortrag und Projektvorstellung der kulturellen Vermittlungsarbeit der Kuratorischen Werkstatt”. Jour Fixe, teaching degree programme: Gestalten.Technik, Mozarteum University Salzburg 2022
  • “BAUHAUS RELOADED”. Two-day workshop, presentation and discussion format, Bauhaus Agents Programme, annual conference # 3, Weimar 2019
  • “Bauhaus vermitteln/vom Supermarkt zum Baumarkt – von Materialübungen zu Gestaltungsprozessen”. Pecha Kucha, workshop, presentation with discussion panel, Bauhaus Agents Programme, annual conference # 2, Dessau 2018

Jutta Stein

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 303
Show biography

Jutta Stein is a research associate at the Curatorial Workshop, specialising in the areas of education and outreach. Her work focuses on developing and expanding of outreach projects and cultural education programmes at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. As a research associate, she develops formats at the interface between analogue and digital outreach practices. Participation and inclusion are central aspects of her work.


After her studies at the Hochschule für Architektur und Bauwesen (University of Architecture and Building) Weimar, Jutta Stein began working as a research associate at the Bauhaus Dessau in 1988. From 2002 to 2015, she was head of the Communications and Public Relations Department at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. She also specialised in the areas of education, tourism, and outreach. From 2013 to 2015, the Bauhaus workshops for children and young people were conceived and carried out under her direction, as well as the IKEA Bauhaus Summer (a designer-in-residence programme and summer workshop).


From 2015 to 2020, she was project manager for the programme Bauhaus Agents at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, working towards an open, vibrant, and diverse museum.



  • Lea Argirov, Christin Deringer, Anne Schneider, Jutta Stein, Frank Tinius, and Silke Wallstein (eds.), Bauhaus aktiv: 42 gestalterische Experimente und Übungen, Verlag E. A. Seemann, Leipzig, 2022
  • Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (concept and editor: Jutta Stein), Bauhaus Children’s Books series (five issues), Verlag E. A. Seemann, Leipzig, 2015–2019



  • “Ansätze, Möglichkeiten und Potenziale künstlerischer und kultureller Bildung in schulischen und außerschulischen Bereichen: Das Bauhaus Agenten Programm in Dessau”. Zeitz as part of the initiative for a New European Bauhaus, 2022
  • “Agenten Talk”, New European Bauhaus conference, 2021

Burghard Duhm

Team member, concept and management stage
+ 49 340 6508 – 237

Clarissa Seidel

Team member, concept and management
+ 49 340 6508 – 283

Diane Hillebrand

Team member, education / communication
+ 49 340 6508 – 205‬

Henning Seilkopf

Model builder

Holger Ziolkowski

Model builder

Leonie Fischer

+ 49 340 6508 – 234

Dr Werner Möller

Head of Collection Department
+ 49 340 6508 – 224
Show biography

Werner Möller has been head of the Collection Department at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since June 2022.


He was previously deputy head of the Curatorial Workshop. Within the context of the IBA Urban Redevelopment Saxony-Anhalt 2010, he acted as the Foundation’s representative when the Bauhaus Kaufhalle and Tanzcafé were converted into libraries for the Bauhaus and the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau, and when parts of the industrial monument of the former Schultheiss-Patzenhofer Brewery were renovated to house the archive of the Bauhaus collection. In this work his focus was on the experimental development and establishment of future-oriented participatory and collaborative processes at the interfaces of planning, use, design, sustainability, and communication as factors of cultural production. The same applies to his involvement in the Saxony-Anhalt Project New European Bauhaus, where he is head of the Cultural Education Department.


After studying fine arts and the history of modernity at the Philipps University Marburg, he gained a doctorate with a cumulative thesis in 1998. In 1991, he was invited to join the Bauhaus Dessau. At an international level, his work is combined with regional and urban participation projects, teaching and lecturing activities, for example, in the Netherlands (Rietveld-Academie Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, Het Nieuwe Instituut (HNI, The New Institute) Rotterdam) in Israel (Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Ein Harod Museum of Art, Technion Haifa); and in Mexico City (Universidad Anáhuac). From 2000 to 2004, Werner Möller was a member of the German UNESCO Commission, Department of Culture, and one of the founding members of the Conference of National Cultural Institutions.


Since 2021, as well as working for the Bauhaus Dessau, Werner Möller has supported the Peaceful Revolution Foundation Leipzig with conceptional and curatorial advice in the process of launching a competition for a national monument to freedom and unity in Leipzig.



  • “Des meubles nouveaux pour un nouvel habitat: les ‘meubles standard’ de Marcel Breuer”, in: Allemagne/Années 1920/Nouvelle Objectivé/August Sander, Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2022, 60 ff.
  • “Wie wohnen alte Menschen?” in: Bauhaus – Zeitschrift der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, 2020, vol. 10, no. 12, 66 ff.
  • Ingolf Kern, Werner Möller, and Kitty Kahane (illustration), Alles Bauhaus? Eine fantastische Zeitreise mit Mia und Lucas, Carl Hanser Verlag in collaboration with the Bauhaus Kooperation, Munich, 2019
  • “Statt Kunst und Technik: Die Volkswohnung”, in: Jesko Fezer and Studio Experimentelles Design (ed.), Öffentliche Gestaltungsberatung – Public Design Support 2011–2016, Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2016, 364 ff.



  • “Bauhaus vs. New European Bauhaus in the EU Session: The New European Bauhaus in Slovakia and the Czech Republic”. Brno, 2023
  • “Aquarell ‘§ 218’ von Carl Marx”, in the series Out of the Display Case, Bauhaus Museum Dessau, 2023
  • Speaker and panelist at the EU Closing Session: 5th Just Transition Platform Meeting – Coal Regions in Transition virtual week and carbon-intensive regions, 2022

Dr Sylvia Ziegner

Head of archive
+ 49 340 6508 – 120
Show biography

Sylvia Ziegner has been an archivist at the Bauhaus Foundation since October 2011. She has been the deputy head of the Collection Department since 2020, and head of the archive since 2022. She is responsible for the processing and maintenance of the art holdings of the historical collections and the Foundation’s archive, including cataloguing and digitisation, collaboration on projects such as exhibitions, publications, loan transactions, art acquisitions, and user and inheritor support.


Previously, she was responsible for the development, quality management, and customer-specific adaptation of archive database systems at Startext Unternehmensberatung GmbH. Her position as research associate at the Deutsche Fotothek (SLUB) and the photo archive of the German Documentation Centre for Art History Marburg included inheritance processing. At the Vogtlandmuseum Plauen and the Freiberg City and Mining Museum, she was authorised to process photograph collections. At the State Office of Archaeology in Dresden, she worked on the exhibition for the new State Museum of Archaeology in Chemnitz. At the Dresden State Art Collections, Art Fund, her tasks included the processing and maintenance of the art collection, its cataloguing and digitisation as well as collaborating on exhibition and publication projects.


In keeping with her dissertation in art history at the Philipps University of Marburg entitled “Der Bildband Dresden: Eine Kamera klagt an von Richard Peter, d. Ält. Teil der Erinnerungskultur Dresdens” (The book of photographs ‘Dresden: The Indictment of a Camera ` by Richard Peter, d. Ält. Part of the Dresden Culture of Remembrance), her interests at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation also lie in the photographic history and art of the German Democratic Republic.



  • Digitalisierungsprojekt in der Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, published by the State Archive of Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg, 2020, 75–77
  • “’Ich verfiel nicht dem Bauhausstil’. Das fotografische Werk von Hajo Rose”, in: Im Moment. Neue Forschungen zur Fotografie in Sachsen und der Lausitz, published by Görlitzer Sammlungen and Dresden State Art Collections, conference transcript, Sandstein Verlag, Dresden, 2020, 90–103
  • “’Eine Kamera klagt an’ – nach Jahrzehnten immer noch?”, in: Dresdner Geschichtsverein  Dresdner Hefte 141, vol. 38, 2020, 33–42
  • Lutz Schöbe, and Sylvia Ziegner, “Von der Ankunft des Bauhauses im deutschen Wohnzimmer. Die Wohnung Müller in Dessau”, in: Sachsen und Anhalt Jahrbuch der Historischen Kommission für Sachsen-Anhalt, vol. 32, Halle (Saale), 2020, 261–278
  • Various catalogue contributions, in: Lutz Schöbe, Wolfgang Thöner, and Claudia Perren (eds.), Bauhaus Dessau. Die Sammlung (Edition Bauhaus), Kerber Verlag, Bielefeld, 2019



  • “Schlichte Eleganz? Das Gebäude des Instituts für Kortiko-Viszerale Pathologie und Therapie in Berlin-Buch von Franz Ehrlich”, Bauhaus Dessau, 2022
  • “Der Armlehnstuhl ti 244 von Josef Albers”, Bauhaus Dessau, 2020
  • “’Ich verfiel nicht dem Bauhausstil’. Das fotografische Werk von Hajo Rose”. Im Moment. Neue Forschungen zur Fotografie aus Sachsen und der Lausitz, conference, Görlitzer Sammlungen, Kulturhistorisches Museum, und Kunstfonds, Dresden State Art Collections, Görlitz, 2018
  • “’Eine Wüste grotesker Ruinen’: Der Fotograf Richard Peter d. Ält.. und sein Bildband Dresden – eine Kamera klagt an”, exhibition Desaster des Krieges: Von Francisco de Goya bis Robin Hinsch, Anhaltische Gemäldegalerie, Orangerie beim Schloss Georgium, Dessau, 2017
  • “Der Toilettentisch der Dame aus der Einrichtung Müller, Dessau”. With Lutz Schöbe, Bauhaus Dessau, 2017

Torsten Blume

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 219
Show biography

Torsten Blume has been a research associate at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since 1994. He initially worked in the workshop area, and moved to the Collection Department in 2014.


Blume studied art history at the University of Leipzig. Since 2006, the focus of his work has been the reflections on and updating of the stage experiments of the avant-gardes in the early 20th century and at the Bauhaus. As well as working on publications and exhibitions on this subject, he also develops experimental and educational projects. Since 2017, he has been involved in the Bauhaus Open Stage Studio, a project to update the pedagogy of the historic Bauhaus stage as performative architectonics or mental and physical exercises for designers, in collaboration with institutions that include the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau, the Kuwasawa Design School Tokyo, the Paju Typography Institute (PaTI) Seoul, the University of the Arts London, and the Illinois Institute of Design Chicago. In 2022, he developed the dance performance co-production META/MOR/PHOS – A Triadic Fiction, which premiered in September 2022 in Dessau and in April 2023 in Chicago.


For further information, please click here.



  • “Die Bauhausbühne der Frauen”, in: Andreja Hribernik, Barbara Steiner, and Alexandra Trost (eds.), Isa Rosenberger: Schatten, Lücken, Leerstellen, exhibition catalogue, VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna, 2023
  • Torsten Blume, and Matthias Lipeck (eds.), Triadic Fictions: A Project Documentation, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences Dessau and Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, 2023
  • “Xanti Schawinsky’s Stage Studies: From the Bauhaus to Black Mountain College”, in: Arnold Dreyblatt, and Petra Maria Meyer (eds.), Black Mountain College as Multiverse, Kettler Verlag, Dortmund, 2022
  • “Xanti Schawinsky: Bühnenkünstler und Performer”, in: Torsten Blume, and Annegret Laabs (eds.), Xanti Schawinsky: Vom Bauhaus in die Welt, Deutscher Kunstverlag (DKV), Berlin, 2021
  • “Friedrich Kiesler and the Bauhaus”, in: Frederick Kiesler: Face to Face with the Avant-Garde: Essays on Network and Impact, Kiesler Stiftung, Vienna, 2020



  • “Triadic Fictions: Oskar Schlemmer’s Triadic Ballet as an experimental arrangement and unfinished project”, Ruth Page Center of the Arts, Chicago, 2023
  • “T. Lux Feininger als Maler”, podium discussion with Conrad Feininger at the opening of the intermezzo “Der Mann, der Donnerstag war. T. Lux Feininger”, Bauhaus Museum Dessau, 2022
  • “László Moholy-Nagy: Sport am Bauhaus/Licht-Raum-Modulator”, part of the series Out of the Display Case, Bauhaus Museum Dessau, 2020

Dr Andreas Butter

Research associate
+ 49 340 6508 – 344

Dr Theresia Ilchmann

Organisation and Project Management
‭+49 340 6508 – 309‬

Silvia Eigler

Team member, archive
+ 49 340 6508 – 122

Rüdiger Messerschmidt

+ 49 340 6508 – 112 oder – 491

Kathrin Kolleck

+ 49 340 6508 – 121

Catrin Brandt

Team member, library
+ 49 340 6508 – 214

Steffen Schröter

Associate Image Department
+ 49 340 6508 – 267

Matthias Schneider

Associate Collection Department
+ 49 340 6508 – 239

Tobias Tietze

Associate archive
+ 49 340 6508 – 495

Holger Lemme

Head of the Administration Department
+ 49 340 6508 – 400
Show biography

In March 2022, Holger Lemme became administrative director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.


After studying communication and media studies, English, and psychology at the University of Leipzig, he worked for Dow Olefinverbund GmbH in Schkopau, Germany, and Horgen, Switzerland, most recently as senior public affairs officer. At the same time, he studied environmental management and environmental law at the University of Lüneburg. He subsequently worked as head of studies for work and economy at the Protestant Academy of Thuringia, taking over the management of the academy on a provisional basis. During this time he also acted as an advisor in the working environment of the Protestant Church in Central Germany.


Lemme was deputy Chair of the Board of the Foundation of the Protestant Academy of Thuringia, and is involved in children’s and young people’s education at the Villa Jühling Protestant education and project center.



  • “Von Scheinriesen und zarten Pflänzchen”, in: Traugott Jähnichen, Roland Pelikan, Sigrid Reihs, and Johannes Rehm (eds.), Priorität für die Arbeit, Lit-Verlag, Münster, 2021
  • “Kommunikation, Mitarbeiterin und Mitarbeiter”, in: Nicole Beckmann, Renate Fallbrüg, Jochen Gerlach, Thomas Löffler, and Peter Lysy (eds.), 7×7 Morgenbriefing für Führungskräfte, Kreuz-Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2019

Juliane Schulze

Legal advisor
Show biography

Juliane Schulze has worked as a legal advisor for the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since March 2023.


After a Voluntary Social Year in Culture at the Luther Memorials Foundation in Saxony-Anhalt, she studied law at the University of Leipzig and completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Dresden. She then worked for various larger law firms, most recently as a lawyer specialising in industrial property rights, copyright, and litigation.

Jeannette Weigel

Assistant to management office, Administration Department

Cornelia Voigtländer

Personnel and organisation officer

Astrid Koppe


Susanne Mittmann

Team member, events and project management
+ 49 340 6508 – 228

Michael Fink

Head of the Information Technology Department, system administrator

Gaston Palme

Team member, system administration

Visitors’ Service

Kerstin Bittner

Head of Visitors’ Service and tourism
+ 49 340 6508 – 250

Michael Stolz

Foreign language secretary

Ralf Glockemeier

Team member, Visitors’ Service

Nicole Prag

Team member, Visitors’ Service
+ 49 340 6508 – 251

Constanze Sachse

Team member, Visitors’ Service
+ 49 340 6508 – 251

Diana Schmidt

Team member, Visitors’ Service
+ 49 340 6508 – 318

Mario Täsch

Team member, Visitors’ Service

Financial Department

Beate Uhrig

Head of Finance
+ 49 340 6508 – 242

Gabriele Albrecht

Cash desk officer

Anja Vellguth

Remuneration and travel expenses officer

Marlis Krause

Team member, Finance

Katja Prophet

Team member, Finance

Stefan Streuber

Team member, Finance

Property and Facility Management

Konstantin Loth

Head of property and facility management
+ 49 340 6508 – 340

Mandy Berner

Property and facility management officer

Sebastian Czerny


Andre Johaé


Marcus Wozny

Event technician / caretaker

Ivo Kriese


Jens Lütje


René Wollschläger


Peter Langer


Michael Schüler
