Out of the Display Case: Kasia Fudakowski

The event centres on a quilt by artist Kasia Fudakowski (*1985). The work is part of the current Intermezzo “The Art of the Palliative Turn (APT) / Art for the End of Our Way of Life” in the permanent exhibition at the Bauhaus Museum Dessau. The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation acquired the quilt for its collection at the end of 2023.

Kasia Fudakowski talks about the motivation and production of her work Who can touch me where when I can no longer do so. The quilt with her body outlines was created in 2021 during her involvement with the Association for the Palliative Turn. This association was initiated in 2020 by Olav Westphalen (*1963) and is a loose association of artists and people from other professions who take a humorous yet profound look at the fact of our mortality.

Kasia Fudakowski’s artistic practice is diverse and playful. It encompasses sculpture, film, performance and text production. In these different material encounters, the artist approaches the enigmatic absurdities of social norms with subtle humour and surreal logic. The work Who can touch me where when I can no longer do so is based on a palliative method in which patients determine which people they may touch where when they themselves lose the ability to communicate – it is about self-determination and at the same time about the loss of the same. Together with artist Kasia Fudakowski, Dr Theresia Ilchmann, associate of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, will guide you through this evening.