6 pm
Welcome and Moderation
Heike Brückner, research associate, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
6:05 pm
The Spatial Stage in the Bauhaus Museum
// Introduction
Film by Dieter Edler
Presentation of the Spatial Stage project
Barbara Steiner, director, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
6:25 pm
Procurement law – principles and exceptions
// Impulse lecture
Alexander Neumann, procurement officer, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
What scope does public procurement law offer for deviating from the principles?
6:35 pm
How much innovation is still possible today? A description of the current situation and strategies for dealing with it
// Lecture
Bernd Hullmann, CEO, SMV Berlin
7:05 pm
Brewing beer in the museum
With Fabian Jäger-Gildemeister, home brewer, Dessau
7:15 pm
“Bureaucracyopoly”, “Crazy Bureaucracy” and “The Bureaucrat Game”
// Interaktive format
For self-experimentation: a playful approach to bureaucratic processes
Introduction to the rules: Tuan Do Duc
8 pm
Room for manoeuvre and exceptions for innovations and experiments: How can innovative projects succeed?
// Talk
Marta Doehler-Bezhadi, CEO, IBA Thüringen GmbH
Tobias Burdukat, Neulandgewinner network, social education worker for the “Dorf der Jugend” (Village of the Youth), in the former Spitzenfabrik Grimma, CEO of the “Between the Lines gGmbH”, teacher with special responsibilities at the Nuremberg Tech
Moderation: Heike Brückner
About opportunities that arise to test innovations for a limited period of time under the most realistic conditions possible, which come up against limits or unanswered questions in the general legal framework, and about action that challenges the legal framework.
8:20 pm
Who takes responsibility?
// Diskussion
Do we need a new division of responsibility between the state, society, citizens and companies? What could this look like?
Martha Doehler-Behzadi, Bernd Hullmann, Tobias Burdukat
Moderation: Barbara Steiner
Food and drinks
“Crooked vegetables”, “Mäuse-Ware” (vegetables nibbled by mice) and home-brewed bear by “Artemis Brewing”
Next Friday Group: 24 May, 6 pm > Water + Water Purification