Loan conditions and terms of use
Loan conditions and terms of use

Basically, only the simple right of use is granted for single use. An additional contract with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation is required for the transfer, storage and reproduction of the image material.

Users must indicate the source and name when publishing. The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation has certain requirements for this. Every published image requires a clear explanation that clearly states the author and origin. The Bauhaus Dessau Foundation will receive proof of publication free of charge and without being requested to do so.

The processing of enquiries and the use of the images are subject to costs and fees. These are calculated on the basis of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation’s schedule of fees. For any kind of media that is not listed in the schedule of fees, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation consults an “Overview of standard market remuneration for image usage rights” (image fees). The amount of the fees depends on the publication details. Invoices will be issued after the user has approved the costs and before the image material is used.