Dr Barbara Steiner
Director and CEOBarbara Steiner has been a member of the Board and Director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation since September 2021.
After holding managerial positions at art institutions for many years, including the Museum of Contemporary Art (GfZK) Leipzig and Kunsthaus Graz, as well as teaching at the University of Art and Design Linz, the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, and the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig, Steiner took over as director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation. Her theoretical and practical work focuses on structural and institutional issues, as well as the basic conditions of cultural production.
In addition to artist monographs, Steiner has published a series of theme-related books on the (public and private) museum, curatorial issues, institutional politics/economies, and relational space concepts in the fine arts, architecture, and urban planning. She studied art history and political science at the University of Vienna, and wrote her doctoral thesis on the “Ideology of the White Exhibition Space”.
Steiner has been a member of the jury for the Architecture Award of the City of Leipzig (since 2005), a member of the Vienna Art Advisory Board (since 2018), and a regular juror for “Kunst am Bau” (Art in Architecture) competitions (including the German Bundestag, the Brandenburg State Parliament, the Humboldt Forum Berlin). Between 2010 and 2015 she was a member of the university council of the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig; today she is a councillor at the Graz University of Technology.
For further information, please see here.
- “Strukturelle Asymmetrien”, in: Andreja Hribernik, Barbara Steiner, Alexandra Trost (eds.), Isa Rosenberger: Schatten, Lücken, Leerstellen, exhibition catalogue, Verlag für moderne Kunst Wien, 2023
- Provoking Economies: On the Artistic Practice of SUPERFLEX, ed. Barbara Steiner, This book has a market price of € 28, exhibition catalogue, Verlag für moderne Kunst Wien, 2022
- “Kunst als gesellschaftliches Probierfeld/Art as a Field for Social Experimentation”, in: Markus Jeschaunig (ed.), Nebel, Wasser, Eis/Fog, Water, Ice, exhibition catalogue, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther und Franz König, 2022
- Barbara Steiner, Sophia Walk, Anna Lena von Helldorff, and Katia Huemer (eds.), Kunst Haus Graz, JOVIS, Berlin 2021
- “From the Bauhaus to the New European Bauhaus”. International Conference Digital Landscape Architecture DLA: Resilient Landscape Architecture, Bauhaus Dessau, 2023
- “Welches Bauhaus?” Lunch Lecture (digital), as a representative of the state of Saxony-Anhalt at the European Union in Brussels, 2023
- “Frauen am Bauhaus: Über Machtverhältnisse, asymmetrische Ökonomien und strukturelle Benachteiligungen”. On the occasion of the Bauhaus anniversary, Bauhaus Dessau, 2022
- “Eine Institution kuratieren”. Institute of Theatre Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, 2022
- “How Art Institutions Today Must Deal with Rising Demands and Expectations”. (digital), Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 2021