
The Bauhaus Building is a built testimony to the curriculum of the original Bauhaus. Every year, international students, young designers, and researchers come here to take part in post-graduate programmes in design and architectural research.

Some of them may have chosen a research master’s programme because, perhaps, their own practice of designing large luxury apartment complexes in India has become alien to them because droughts and thus water shortages are on the rise. Others wish to carry out research on design-related themes in the Bauhaus Lab or work as PhD candidates, taking this opportunity to give spatial form to the knowledge they have acquired and to learn from one another, rising to the challenge of the modern object teaching on which the programme is based.

The Bauhaus, with its materiality and spatial programme, its objects, images, and stories, is a constant companion throughout their stay. In the end they will create their own version of this place, which they will continue to talk about in Buenos Aires, in Ahmedabad, in London, Johannesburg, Warsaw or Brussels. Is it still a good place for thinking about design and the knowledge, practices, and future connected with it?

With its external, internationally oriented educational programmes, the Academy of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation updates the programmatic approaches and international reworking of the educational heritage of the Bauhaus. Learning and research are combined in a variety of experimental formats: creating and exploring, trying out and experimenting, researching and designing. The Academy has thus gained a reputation as a transcultural platform for a far-reaching network of colleges and universities, initiatives, students, and young professionals active in architecture, design, curatorial practice, and cultural studies. In this way, the historic learning environment of the Bauhaus Building is associated with the worldwide research processes and learning experiments of contemporary design education that aspires to meet the planetary challenges of the present day.

Programmes of the Academy