Open Workshop: Bauhaus bees

Open Workshop: Bauhaus bees

In this open workshop, we will use our bodies and the method ‘Receiving, responding, (an)notating’ to try out body-based approaches to the Bauhaus Ecologies exhibition. Together with the material wax, we will develop short performative situations and exchange our impressions and experiences. In several rounds, we will sensitise ourselves to different sensory perceptions and explore the questions: How can we use our bodies as tools to keep rediscovering the exhibition? What choreographic patterns emerge in relation to architecture, exhibition design and the individual works? Is it possible for us to become more aware of hidden senses – such as the sense of balance and muscular depth sensitivity? What influence do these senses have on our experience of the exhibition?

Participation in the course requires no prior knowledge of performance or bodywork. Rather, the format is characterised by openness and the desire for exchange and joint research.

For young people and adults aged 14 and over.
Admission free

Language: German

Workshop leader:
Lissy Willberg, artist, Leipzig

Please fill in all mandatory fields* carefully.

Anmeldung – Offene Werkstatt