FAQ for private group tours and school formats

FAQ for private group tours and school formats

FAQ for private group tours and school formats

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about your visit to the Bauhaus buildings as a group or school class. If you have any further questions, please contact our visitors’ service team on + 49 340 6508 – 250 or service@bauhaus-dessau.de.

Of course, we also have answers to questions for general visitors.

We only accept group tour booking enquiries in writing.
Please use the online booking form.

You can view the group tour prices on our website under “Groups”. The prices vary depending on the tour offer.

A group tour can only be booked in conjunction with a valid admission ticket.

Guided tours are only offered within the regular opening hours. There is no entitlement to guided tours outside the regular opening hours. They require a separate agreement and are only possible as part of a booked guided tour.

In the event of a special opening of one of our buildings additional costs are incurred, which are listed in the corresponding offer. The general admission fees apply; discounts are excluded. Further information can be found in our corresponding general terms and conditions.

Guided tours or the like in the buildings of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation are forbidden to unauthorised persons. Only persons authorised by the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (academic staff and freelancers with a fee-based contract) are entitled to give guided tours of the buildings.

Group bookings by travel companies:
We grant one free ticket per group booking for tourist guides or bus drivers.

We have three different offers for schools:
1. Compact tours
2. Interactive guided tours
3. Workshops

You can view and book our current offers for schools on our website. Please use the contact form for your enquiry.

We offer our school formats on Tuesdays to Thursdays from 10 am to 2 pm.

Children and young people up to the age of 18 are admitted free of charge.

In connection with a booking of our offers for schools (tour or workshop), we grant a maximum of two free tickets per group booking for the teachers or supervisors. Additional accompanying persons pay the reduced admission fee.

Please note:
If you visit us without booking a guided tour, all adults will pay the regular admission fee.

We do not grant a group discount for groups. However, if you book a group tour, you will get a reduced admission price for each person.

Payment options available at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation ticket offices include cash, Visa, VP, Mastercard, Maestro, JCB, UPI, Diners and Girocard as well as Bauhaus Dessau Foundation vouchers (from the online Ticketshop). In the online Ticketshop, payment can be made by Visa, Mastercard, PayPal or Giropay. Payment with an American Express credit card is excluded both on site and online.

Invoicing with an advance bank transfer is only possible upon request and confirmation by the visitors’ service and for a processing fee of 3 euros. The contract is not binding until payment has been received. Invoices must be paid within the payment period stated on them.

Subsequent invoicing after the service has been provided is only possible upon request and confirmation by the visitors’ service and for a processing fee of 3 euros for customers based in Germany. Invoices must be paid within the payment period stated on them. Subsequent invoicing is not possible for customers based outside Germany.

Cancellation free of charge is possible up to 14 days before the agreed date of the visit. In the event of later cancellation of the contract or no-show, 100 % of the agreed tour fees will be charged.

General meeting points for guided tours

Bauhaus Museum Dessau
Ticket office at the Bauhaus Museum Dessau
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Platz 1, 06844 Dessau-Roßlau
+49 340 6508 – 161

Bauhaus Building
Visitors’ Centre at the Bauhaus Building
Gropiusallee 38, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
+49 340 6508 – 110

Masters’ Houses
Visitors’ Centre at the Bauhaus Building
Gropiusallee 38, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
+49 340 6508 – 110

The guided tour of the Masters’ Houses usually starts at the Bauhaus Building. If you would like to start at the Masters’ Houses, please let our visitors’ service team know or tick the meeting point in the offer (start at Gropius House – Ebertallee 59 – 71, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau).

Gropius House
Ebertallee 59 – 71, 06846 Dessau-Roßlau
+49 340 6508 – 150

Dessau-Törten Housing Estate
Konsum Building
Am Dreieck 1, 06849 Dessau-Roßlau
+49 340 6508 – 155

The telephone numbers listed above are emergency numbers that can be used on the day of the visit in case of delays or cancellations.

Catering is operated externally. If you would like to reserve a table, please contact the catering establishments at the historic Bauhaus buildings or in the Bauhaus Museum Dessau directly.