Kreis der Freunde des Bauhauses e. V

The Kreis der Freunde des Bauhauses e.V. was founded in Weimar in 1924 at the instigation of Walter Gropius. Its ranks included prominent members of the board of trustees, such as Albert Einstein, Marc Chagall, Gerhart Hauptmann, Arnold Schönberg and Franz Werfel.

The association developed its activities and cultural influence in Dessau.

Here and today, the Friends of the Bauhaus supports the foundation in preserving, researching and publicising the heritage of the historic Bauhaus as well as artistic and scientific projects and research tasks.

According to the statutes, this support is provided by our members in an idealistic, material and financial way and it is our concern to act in this sense!

An event of the Kreis der FREUNDE DES BAUHAUSEs E.V.



Dr Jan Hofmann, Chairman of the Kreis der Freunde des Bauhauses e.V.


Dr Robert Reck, Mayor of the City of Dessau-Roßlau and patron of the anniversary celebrations
Dr Reiner Haseloff, Minister President of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
Dr Barbara Steiner, Director of the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

Publication presentation History of the Kreises der Freunde
des Bauhauses e.V.

Wolfgang Thöner

Future of the Bauhaus Award

Ingeborg Arnold, Deputy Chairwoman of the Kreis der Freunde des Bauhauses e.V.

Keynote speech

Prof Dr Jan-Hendrik Olbertz

Handover of the collection of the former Mayor Dr Fritz Hesse via the Kreis der Freunde des Bauhauses e.V. to the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation

Ingeborg Arnold / Dr Barbara Steiner

Music by

Joerg Naumann and René Kutschmann